Thomas teaches A Dinosaur!

Photo on 2014-04-12 at 18.00
Attention all! Thomas and I are building a site here!

And I feel like a dinosaur! My ears hear new words, from a new era, birthed from Silicon and Carbon Gods! Maybe that’s too dramatic, but the definitions are just that foreign to me now.
He tells me I can do it, then my fingers move ever so slowly to fulfill his commands. “Create a new tab for this page, Sara! Upload a new photo for that, Sara!” “Okay, okay,” I think to myself. But this is not a Bob Fosse choreographed piece! Why am I doing the ‘jazz hands’ dance now? Oh that’s fear,trepidation! My brain and my shaking fingers are thinking in two different rhythms.
A reluctant little dinosaur in a brave new world!
But I will be brave, because there is hope for me. After all, there was a girl who was given 3 dinosaur eggs as a gift, thousands of years after they were laid. They were just for beauty, because dinosaurs no longed lived in her time, of course. But one day those eggs hatched and those dinosaurs seem to be fine in that brand new era! Wait a minute! That story is from ‘Game of Thrones’ isn’t it? And they were Dragon eggs, weren’t they? Ugh!

Oh well, there goes my hope!

Thank you to Thomas Foyer at

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